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Our Classroom Courses

Personality Grooming Certified Programme (PGP)

Our Course Synopsis

Personality Grooming Certified Programme (PGP)

Our Personality Grooming Training Course is designed to empower individuals with the skills and attributes needed to present themselves effectively in various personal and professional settings. This Training covers essential aspects of personal development to enhance your overall Personality.

Course Modules:

1. Self-Discovery and Awareness:
    • Understanding personal strengths and areas for improvement.
    • Developing self-awareness for effective personal branding.

2. Effective Communication Skills:

    • Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.
    • Active listening and empathetic communication.

3. Professional Etiquette:

    • Business and social etiquette for diverse situations.
    • Grooming and dress code guidelines for a polished appearance.

4. Confidence Building:

    • Techniques to boost self-confidence and assertiveness.
    • Overcoming self-doubt and fear of judgment.

5. Body Language Mastery:

    • Interpreting and utilizing body language effectively.
    • Projecting confidence through positive body language.

6. Time Management and Organization:

    • Prioritizing tasks and managing time efficiently.
    • Creating an organized and productive routine.

7. Networking and Relationship Building:

    • Building and maintaining professional relationships.
    • Networking strategies for career advancement.

8. Stress Management:

    • Identifying and managing stressors in personal and professional life.
    • Techniques for maintaining composure under pressure.

9. Interview and Presentation Skills:

    • Preparation for successful interviews.
    • Techniques for delivering impactful presentations.

10. Debate and Group Discussion

11. Leadership Skills with Team Management

Who Can Benefit:


Professionals seeking to improve their interpersonal skills and career prospects.


Students preparing for academic and professional life.


Individuals aiming to enhance their overall personality and presence.

For All

Anyone looking to boost self-confidence and personal effectiveness.

Join IICS Personality Grooming Training:

  • Transform Your Presence: Develop a strong and positive presence in personal and professional interactions.
  • Build Lasting Impressions: Learn to make lasting and positive impressions through effective communication and behaviour.
  • Enrol Today: Embark on a journey towards personal and professional excellence.

Elevate your personal and professional presence with our Personality Grooming Training Course at IICS. Enrol today to unlock your full potential!