Body language can be utilised in various ways to effectively get your message across and achieve your desired outcome. Here are the five most effective ways of using body language to enhance your communication in the workplace:
1. Complements Your Message
Nonverbal cues serve to amplify and reinforce the message conveyed through spoken words. For instance, in a workplace setting, a manager might express appreciation for an employee’s excellent work by offering a congratulatory pat on the back.
2. Emphasises Your Key Points
This involves combining nonverbal cues with specific words or phrases to underscore or accentuate the significance of your verbal communication.
For instance, if someone insists on “getting it done now” while slamming their hand on the table, they are highlighting the urgency and significance of their message. However, this action could also be perceived as aggressive, depending on the tone and manner in which it is delivered.
3. Substitutes Verbal Communication
Nonverbal signals have the power to replace verbal communication altogether. A simple nod or shake of the head can convey a clear “yes” or “no”, while a shrug of the shoulders indicates uncertainty. And when someone asks for directions to the bathroom, a friendly point and smile can speak volumes without saying a word.
4. Reinforces Your Message
Nonverbal cues have the power to strengthen the message you convey verbally. For instance, when you verbally direct someone by saying “The train station is on the right” and simultaneously gesture with your arm in that direction, you are reinforcing your instruction and providing clear guidance to the listener on where they need to go.
5. Saves Time
By combining verbal cues with nonverbal gestures, you can convey your message swiftly and efficiently, ultimately saving precious time for both yourself and your audience.
Key Takeaways
Body language means nonverbal communication such as eye contact, hand movements and gestures.
Body language is an essential form of communication because it gives us insights into how a person is really feeling and thinking.
Using nonverbal communication is important in the workplace as it offers an opportunity to show you’re truly engaged in conversation, interested in what another person is saying and demonstrate confidence.
To become a more effective communicator, start improving how you use body language in the workplace by attending one of our courses, adopting an open posture (no crossed arms and slouching) and asking for feedback from colleagues to see which areas you need to focus on.
The advantages of non verbal communication include: it complements your message, helps emphasise key points, saves time, can replace verbal communication, and reinforces your message.
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Body language is just a small part of becoming a fantastic communicator. If you’re trying to improve your verbal communication skills or you’d like to be a more engaging public speaker, then download our helpful guide today.